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Byiringiro Josue Age-Graded Race Results, Top 200

Byiringiro Josue Profile · Byiringiro Josue Race Results

Top 200 race times for Byiringiro Josue, based on WMA age-grading.

Member Home Date Race Name Distance Race Time Sex Age Age Graded
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  12/23/16 Rwanda Cross Country Championships  8K  23:13.6  M 20 92.25
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  5/29/22 Kigali Peace Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:05:32.6  M 26 90.34
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  6/20/21 Kigali Peace Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:09:06.3  M 25 85.68
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  4/25/21 National Track and field Championships   5K  15:07.5  M 25 85.24
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  2/19/22 National Track and field Series  10K  31:32.6  M 26 85.10
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  3/2/19 Uganda Track ans Field  8K  24:56.7  M 23 84.97
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  6/16/19 Kigali Peace Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:12:32.6  M 23 81.62
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  12/13/20 National Track and Field Championships  10K  33:18.6  M 24 80.59
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  8/3/19 National Track and Field Championships  5K  16:02.7  M 23 80.37
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  5/21/17 Kigali Peace Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:15:18.7  M 21 78.96
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  1/31/21 Discovery Cross-Country  10K  34:16.4  M 25 78.32
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  9/10/17 National Athletics Championships   10K  34:44.9  M 21 77.55
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  11/14/21 National Cross Country  8K  27:40.5  M 25 76.58
Byiringiro Josue Rwanda  6/1/18 Kigali Peace Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:18:03.2  M 22 75.90


Double Road Race