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Kathleen Johnson Age-Graded Race Results, Top 200

Kathleen Johnson Profile · Kathleen Johnson Race Results

Top 200 race times for Kathleen Johnson, based on WMA age-grading.

Member Home Date Race Name Distance Race Time Sex Age Age Graded
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  10/26/14 Prostate Cancer Run  10K  42:26  F 58 89.87
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  11/2/14 Cliffhanger 8K  8K  35:37  F 58 84.98
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  4/27/14 Trolley Run  4 Miles  28:15  F 57 84.69
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  11/27/14 Ward Parkway Thanksgiving Day 5K  5K  21:58  F 58 84.67
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  9/14/14 Plaza 10K  10K  45:04.3  F 58 84.58
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  7/4/14 Lenexa Freedom Run  10K  44:42  F 57 84.15
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  6/21/14 Jazz in the Woods  5K  21:53  F 57 83.85
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  10/4/14 Jared CoonesMemorial Pumpkin Run  5K  22:13  F 58 83.72
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  9/1/14 Leawood Labor Day 5K  5K  22:12.7  F 57 82.60
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  5/26/14 Amy Thompson 8K  8K  36:21  F 57 82.16
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  8/23/14 Tiblow Trot   5 Miles  36:39  F 57 81.86
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  7/12/14 Eudora Horsethief 5K  5K  22:32  F 57 81.43
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  11/9/14 Gobbler Grind   1/2 Marathon  01:41:45  F 58 81.33
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  5/3/14 Heart & Sole Classic  10K  46:18  F 57 81.25
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  5/17/14 Merriam Turkey Creek   5K  22:38  F 57 81.08
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  6/29/14 Double Road Race Overland Park  DOUBLE ROAD RACE  01:10:41  F 57 81.04
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  8/9/14 Farmstead Stampede 5K  5K  22:45.3  F 57 80.60
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  9/28/14 Girls on the Run Half Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:43:16  F 58 80.13
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  9/7/14 Broadway Bridge Half Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:45:33.5  F 58 78.39
Kathleen Johnson Shawnee, KS  6/7/14 Hospital Hill Half Marathon  1/2 Marathon  01:46:03.1  F 57 76.96


Double Road Race