1st in Division and 1st of all runners M 70-79.
Overall 741st of 2626 runners.
Member Name | Dan Furtado |
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Age | 76 |
Sex | M |
Years Running | 34 |
Race Name | 408K Race |
Race Location | San Jose, CA |
Race Date | 2/2/20 |
Race Distance | 8K |
Age Graded | 65.43% |
Finish Time | 48:27 |
Division | M 75-79 |
Division Place | 1st |
Overall Place | 741 |
Pace | 9:44 |
Notes: Approximately 5 mile race through San Jose to Santana Row. Fast pace; no hills. 12 runners M70-99.
Dan Furtado: Best Performances · Performance Summary
UjENA Fit Club members in this race.