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Hook and Ladder Run

My Next Race: Dirty Dozen
My Previous Race: Nitro Trail
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The 5K is a run/walk that is 50% paved and 50% dirt road and is stroller friendly. The 10K is 90% dirt road and 10% paved road, Strollers are not allowed on the 10K course. Both runs travel through Sycamore Grove Park and are very flat with only on hill on the 10K. 5K10K start at 8:00 a.m. The Kids 1-Mile Fun Run (for ages 12 & under) will take place within Wente Vineyards. Kids run start at 9:30 a.m. No dogs allowed on any course.
What to Bring: Family and friends, neighbors, and anyone interested in having a great day!
What you get: Fees include a T-shirt, gift bag with items from our sponsors, water and refreshments (at end of race) and raffle (must be present to win). Additional raffle tickets available for purchase race day
Prizes: Awards will be given 3 deep in each age group (Male & Female) 12 & under, 13-17, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+ Special prizes for overall top 3 Male & Female winners 5K and 10K run. Top 20 Male/Female in both 5K & 10K receive a technical shirt. Ribbons to all kids fun run participants.
Purpose: Benefits the Livermore-Pleasanton Firefighters Foundation which is a non-profit 501(c)3 that supports; Injured and Fallen Firefighters, the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation and Local Charities in the Tri-Valley

Member Nameprofile
John Hanson
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Years Running4
Race NameHook and Ladder Run
Race LocationWente Vinyards, Livermore, CA
Race Date6/5/16
Race Distance5K
Age Graded63.40% 
Finish Time23:16.0
Division Place5
Overall Place33
Web Site Linkhttp://onyourmarkevents.com/TOinfo.asp?i...

Notes: this is the day after Trailquake Half Marathon, so probably not fast for me.

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UjENA Fit Club members in this race.



Double Road Race