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Modesto Marathon

My Next Race: Modesto Marathon
My Previous Race: FOURmidable 50k
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Official finish time was 3:28:28. Finished 68/363 (19%) overall, 62/242 (27%) male finishers, 6/26 (23%) male AG 50-54.

It's been 11 months since I have BQed at a marathon. With the exception of COVID, this is the longest I have gone without a BQ in nearly 12 years. I went in thinking I had a 50/50 shot at a BQ, but mile 15 or so I started slowing down. My legs (and arms) were tightening up and by mile 17 I ran a 7:50 mile. I mentally gave up at that point and had to change my mindset from BQ to just improving from the last marathon I ran (2024 CIM). That was motivation enough to get me under 3:30 for the first time in nearly a year. I have my work cut out for me at Boston in 4 weeks!

Good to run with Max for about 2 miles. I hung out with Max, Joyce, and Tony at the finish. Met some nice locals as well!

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Chris Jones
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Years Running25
Race NameModesto Marathon
Race LocationModesto, CA
Race Date3/23/25
Race DistanceMarathon
Age Graded68.74% 
Finish Time03:28:28
Division Place6/26
Overall Place68/363
Web Site Linkhttps://modestomarathon.com/

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