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The Turkey Trot

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There are actually 2 Races - a 5k and a 10k (and a 3rd called the mashed potato mile!) - The 5k can also be walked. The races are held on Thanksgiving morning before the parade gets started. There is also a costume contest for the runners as well!

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John Lucassian
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Years Running25
Race NameThe Turkey Trot
Race LocationDetroit, MI, USA
Race Date11/24/11
Race Distance5K
Age Graded23.04% 
Finish Time59:41
Overall Place9485
Web Site Linkhttp://www.theparade.org/turkeytrot/

Notes: I am walking the 5k for the 3rd year in a row with my kids who are now 12 and 10. I'm hoping next year we can run it!

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Double Road Race