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UjENA Fit Club Member Race Results 6/11/2016

Distance: 5K
Location: Oasis High, Cape Coral, FL
Race: Running with theSharks
UjENA Fit Club Member Participants: 49
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Member Name Event Title Location Finish Time Place Division Division Place Date
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
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Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Oasis High, Cape Coral FL22:438All women1st overall 6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
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Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, Cape Coral, FL22:43.08All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, CapeCoral FL22:4381stAll Women6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, CapeCoral FL22:4381stAll Women6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksOasis High School, CapeCoral FL22:4381stAll Women6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the Sharks Cape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with the SharksCape Coral, FL22:438All Women1st6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
Amy YanniRunning with theSharksOasis High, Cape Coral, FL6/11/2016
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