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"That's the best option, I hope to get the shot Richard. I'm so ready to get back at it."
Brad Chatfield 5/2/15 7:37 pm "Get a epidural spinal cortisone shot and get back at it. Had this last year in C-5. All gone."
Richard Stiller 5/2/15 11:46 am "MRI shows spinal stenosis C-3, C-4 some of you masters may know what this is; it come from getting older. I see a specialist tomorrow; going to get this corrected, and get "on the road again"."
Brad Chatfield 4/30/15 4:24 pm "Appointment with chiropractor today, talk about decompression we might do it after an MRI tomorrow. I'm getting better; so the Dr. lectured me harshly to be patient, and not to run. He could see it in my eyes, and here it in my words that I was impatient."
Brad Chatfield 4/28/15 11:19 am "Kansas City; Thanks Kat, I'll look into it."
Brad Chatfield 4/27/15 6:03 pm "I recommend decompression also, along with chiropractic...know of someone in San Jose...where do you live?"
Kat Powell 4/27/15 4:51 pm "You're right Richard; and I have, he was a champion pole vaulter, he's tough, demanding, and insistent on what to do, and not to do!"
Brad Chatfield 4/27/15 3:18 pm "Brad, find a good sports chiropractor. One who works with athletes. It can make all the difference. Been there. Done that."
Richard Stiller 4/27/15 2:28 pm "I'm not asking for sympathy, just wanted some of you to know. This was March 20th a few days before I lost my good health. Two days after getting home from Hawaii I woke up with pain in my back so bad I couldn't take a deep breath, or sleep in a bed. It's a pinched nerve, the Drs are telling me I can walk (it hurts), but not to run. I was having a good start to the new year, and I hope to be back ASAP. Stay strong, and I hope we find pleasure, and satisfaction in every run, and race. Sorry for the downer, but I needed to tell someone that would understand. This column says personal updates, and comments, so let's me have it."
Brad Chatfield 4/27/15 10:36 am