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Jose Limon UjENA FIT Club Profile
A Long Run The Movie
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Got to wear an EKG at the GYM

I have to wear an EKG monitor when I am at the gym. Heart doctor does not want my heart to go to fast so they are monitoring it at the gym. I have been in and out of the hospital with a heart rate of 249.. Which is way to high.. But it is normal with two metal heart valves. GOOD news is that my heart muscle is in good shape.
Member NameJose Limon
LocationEL Paso TX US
Years Running29 
Max Distance1 mile 
Fastest Mile9 Minutes to 13 Minutes 
Current MileWith a damage knee 15 minutes 
Types of RunningRoad Runner
Internet Profile Linkhttp://www.ujenanetwork.com/masters/3982...

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Thursday, July 18th, 2013
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DescriptionDid another 5k Walk yesterday.. Think I did better timing . not sure cause I didn't time myself but Its good .

Friday, August 3rd, 2012
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Just came from my doctor she was very happy with my test results and said that.. I had gain weight but it is not fat it muscle mass and so continue doing your work outs. I said wow your not chewing me out cuz of the weight gain and she said nO because its not fat its Muscles and you look fantastic.

run Great going!!!!
Richard Stiller 7/18/13 11:36 am
Monday, June 11th, 2012
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I have not been around lately because I havent photographed a model yet in a swimsuit. Summer is here but EL Paso lacks of fantastic good looking swimsuit models .. I however been working out. Walking every day four miles. I keep trying to improvise my walk but the knee is killing me. OH well goes with OLD age. How are you all?

Saturday, March 24th, 2012
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For the past week I been changing my miles every other day.. One day I walk four miles the next day I walk Seven. I joined EL Paso Fitness Gym. IM only paying $10 dollars per month.. WEEeeeee. Im shocked I got a good price for that.

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012
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I felt like going for a walk today on a beautiful spring day.Started my walk at 2 pm finished at 5pm did 17 miles in 3 hours... Where did you go JOSE? First I walked to the YMCA. Which is Two miles from my house. From the YMCA to Kmart is another 2 miles Return back to Fairbanks where I first text saying I just did four miles . walked back down to my church Most Holy Trinity 2 miles Walked back up trans mountain. TO WALMART. from my church 5 miles From Walmart to my house.. 2 miles total OH MY GOSH 17 Miles.. WOW IE.. My knee is hurting me right now. Its because it was damage in 2007

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012
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Its been a long over haul for this 46 year old body of mine. After being in a bad auto accident in 2007. My left side of my body has been shattered and badly injured. Doctors have claimed that I may end up being on a wheel chair for the rest of my life. However I told them that I will walk again. Last week my doctor saw my leg and saw my walk. He said How did you do it? I said simplifying by believing in one self that I can do it. I told you that No wheel chair for me. I will learn to walk again. Here I am 5 years later Doctor and I'm walking.. And now I'm going to say this to you Doc.. After 5 years I shall learn to RUN again. Doctor said, Lets hope the left knee is able to hold while your trying to Jog or Run? I said, Well if its time to replace the whole knee with a plastic Knee. I will walk again Doc and then I will run... My Doctor and Nurse just smile and shook my hand. Yesterday I rode the bike for 5 miles then I walked 2 miles came home and worked out with weights. OH I may be an old man but I want to be a strong one. What motivates me? LIFE! it's to beautiful to give up on it.

run I would tell you not to give up but I think you already have that figured it out. 46 ain't old by the way. Lol
Richard Stiller 3/3/12 1:14 pm
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012
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Last week I went to the doctor office and they told me that I had lost 2 pounds a total of 60 bounds I have lost since I started dieting. My knee is killing me. I tried to run but it so badly damage it is now killing me. BUT I still go for long walks. I actually don't use the car to go to the stores. Even if I want to get a burger or a pizza. I simply walk to the stores. The only time I use the car is when I have to be 10 or more away from home. Walking is fun cause you end up talking to people who are walking themselves.

run They checked my blood for diabetes 2. Doctor said that he will decrease the mg from 1000 MG to 250 MG because I have improved my health. My heart is strong, My cholesterol is down and my sugar is down ranging from 94-115. Again I have lost 60 pounds and i am currently trying to get my left knee to work as it was totally rebuilt by a car accident I had back in 2007. I am alive and I am out of the wheel chair. I thank GOD for that.
Jose Limon 2/29/12 12:32 am
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
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It's been snowing here in EL Paso, Texas. Instead of driving on ICE I decided to walk in stead. Was cold but I sort of felt like walking to Walmart and back which is a total of five miles round trip. Did pretty good in the snow..

Friday, December 2nd, 2011
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Midnight hour hit me good. The food monster invaded my stomach and made me hungry. I couldn't say NO cause the food on TV was calling me.. I had to come to the kitchen and make me something to eat. Instead of eating light. I ate Two burritos of Beans & Meat and 4 Rolled beef tacos. GOD Help me. WHY, OH WHY? From now on when a tv commercial comes on Im closing my eyes.

run Don't keep that food in the house only have healthy things in the frig like fruits and veg
Tony Brickel 12/2/11 8:07 am
run I try to do that. I lost 20 pounds recently so I plan to lose another five by the end of this week.
Jose Limon 12/27/11 2:25 am
Thursday, December 1st, 2011
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Woke up this morning doing 30 stomach crunches and Leg raises. Would be going out for a 2 mile walk or run. Depends how cold it is out there today. But I'm feeling good. Hoping to get a six pack stomach being that I am 46 years old. Call it a a mid-life crisis.

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