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Oakland Running Festival Marathon

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the Half is Flat, but this marathon has quite a climb up the Oakland Hills. Really good pacers help!

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John Hanson
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Years Running4
Race NameOakland Running Festival Marathon
Race LocationOakland, CA
Race Date3/23/14
Race DistanceMarathon
Age Graded51.13% 
Finish Time04:27:58
Division Place50
Overall Place460

John Hanson: Best Performances · Performance Summary

UjENA Fit Club members in this race.


run "I know you wanted to run better but Oakland is a tough marathon! Congrats!"
Bob Anderson 3/24/14 9:55 am
run "Thanks Bob! my goal is to break 4 hours this year. The hills are in the first half, about 1,000 feet. but as always, goal number one is to have fun!"
John Hanson 3/17/14 9:52 pm
run "Good luck John...what is your goal for the marathon? I hear there are a few hills the second half?"
Bob Anderson 3/17/14 6:01 pm


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