Notes: 13th Half Marathon
Dave Miller: Best Performances · Performance Summary
UjENA Fit Club members in this race.

"Thanks for the invite for the double but March 11 I'm running Modesto Marathon. Maybe some other time. Oakhurst is a long way from SF area or I'd do more runs there. My mistake on the Misson 10 half - the boys name was Ethan from San Jose and he was 12 and he came in 7th overall otherwise the description was correct. We ran together most of race and I could see he was fresher than me at 1 mile from finish so I told him to go for it. Talking with him on run he said he just loved running long and his parents said he was very self motivated and we discussed his disire to run marathons. My opinion was it best holding off a few years before he tried marathons to due to his age. He reminded me of myself being self-motivated and competitive even though I never competed in sports and started running competitively at 57. I told he will make a great long distance runner."
Dave Miller 2/27/18 10:03 am 
"Thanks for sharing Dave. I just love stories like this. Keep up the good running. Why don't you join us March 11 for our Palo Alto Double 8K. One of these days we need to meet. Bob"
Bob Anderson 2/27/18 9:28 am 
"Thanks. I'm a little slower than prior years but still age grading in 80's so I'm still running good for my age. That half is really hard to run fast, but I was more proud of coaching an 11 year old Daniel from mile 4 to finish allowing him to PR in front of me. That was worth more than any finish time PR for myself. I was so proud of him and got to visit with his parents while waiting for the awards. We plan to race together again next year."
Dave Miller 2/26/18 1:07 pm 
"Wow...8th overall. That is great! I love this race. Congrats!"
Bob Anderson 2/5/18 6:24 pm