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Barry Anderson UjENA FIT Club Profile
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Taken when Bob was in town this April

Member NameBarry Anderson
Years Running20 
Max Distancemarathon 
Fastest Mile4:20 
Current Mile7:30 
Types of RunningRoad Runner
Internet Profile Linkhttp://
Fitness StatementJust started back running last year after a 26 year layoff. Ran competitively from age 13 through college. My brother Bob got me started running in the early 60's...and he has done it again now that I am 60. 
Running AchievementsUniversity cross country and track coach for 10 years. 

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runnerJust noticed in the Kansas City paper that Ujena Fit Club member Bruce Gilbert won his age group in the KC Marathon. Great race Bruce!
Barry Anderson 10/21/12 8:24 am
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runnerHas anyone dealt with sciatica? My symptoms seem to be similar to what I have heard about sciatic nerve issues. Almost impossible to run...walking is even difficult.
Barry Anderson 9/5/12 5:13 pm
runnerI had some sciatic nerve issues about ten years back. I found a deep tissue massage guy and he worked on me three times in one week. I went from not being able to walk to running within the week. It was painful but worth it...
Bob Anderson 9/6/12 8:33 am
runnerYes Barry, I too had a bad case right after some great racing when I turned 50. Chiropractor, stretching and much prayer.
Bill Dunn 9/6/12 4:19 pm
runnerGood chiro
Richard Stiller 9/9/12 12:36 pm
runnerI had it a long time ago, and it stayed with me for a while. I just eased up, changed my shoes and stretched more after a run. Here is a good article: http://runningmagazine.ca/2010/09/sections/health-nutrition/body-work/injuries-sciatica-the-nerve/
Gary Funck 9/9/12 8:35 pm
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runnerGood luck in the morning. I think you are going to get under 23 minutes for the 5k...go get them!
Bob Anderson 8/24/12 9:51 pm
runnerHow was it Barry...
Bob Anderson 8/25/12 12:57 pm
runnerThey just posted the official times. Did not do great Bob but improvement over last year. They had to change the course at the last minute due to heavy rain so it ended up being 3.4 miles. Rained the whole race but at least it wasn't 100 degrees like it has been. Only ran 27:34 (2nd in the 60-69 and 29th overall). That would be some where around 25:10 for a 5k I think. The overall winner ran 20:38 and he is a good local runner so it was obviously long. Got some things I need to add to the training progam to get under the 23 minute mark.
Barry Anderson 8/25/12 4:25 pm
runnerUsing the WMA age-graded tables that would be equal to a 25:02 5k and 64.05% age graded. This is like a three minute improvement. And with the rain...good job Barry!!! The training is working...
Bob Anderson 8/25/12 6:58 pm
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runnerGo Galen. May take sub 4:00 last mile to medal.
Barry Anderson 8/4/12 1:16 pm
runnerImpressive race!
Barry Anderson 8/4/12 2:04 pm
runnerAmazing race...
Bob Anderson 8/4/12 4:28 pm
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runner109 degrees here right now. Going to be a tough afternoon workout.
Barry Anderson 7/25/12 2:12 pm
runnerBetter wait until it gets to 99 or under...it is 70 degrees in Northern California right now...you are going to be more ready for the heat in Falmouth than we are August 12...run safe!
Bob Anderson 7/25/12 2:19 pm
runnerLooked like it was going to be in the 80's in Falmouth...will need to take a jacket.
Barry Anderson 7/25/12 2:26 pm
runnerUnfortunately my full name is Roger "The Human Heat Wave" Wright so have no fear that it will no doubt be warmer than usual since I'm now running the FRR. I apologize in advance! lol Looking forward to meeting both of you!
Roger Wright 7/25/12 2:32 pm
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runnerNot sure how long it has been there but recently noticed the Member's Recent Races section in the right column. Great addition to the site and great information. Really like seeing how everyone is doing.
Barry Anderson 6/26/12 12:09 pm
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runnerSaw something this morning that I have never seen during a run. A bald eagle took flight from a tree about 100 yards ahead along a trail that I use frequently. Have probably run over 50,000 miles and this was a first. Great way to start the day.
Barry Anderson 6/1/12 6:04 am
runnerWow...that sounds exciting...
Bob Anderson 6/1/12 2:55 pm
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runnerBeen following the B2B on their website this morning...lots of nice features. Looks like Bob got a 4th place in his age group. Good going Bob. Was looking for other Ujena Fit Club memebers too...Wendy Roberts did very well and see the Hans Schmid was in the 70-79 age group. If any others ran...let us know. Would love to hear your comments. Also, can someone tell me the difference between chip time and gun time? Have seen it in the few races I have run the last couple of years but do not understand the drastic difference in times. In my day, there was no such thing.
Barry Anderson 5/20/12 9:49 am
runnerBarry, looks like you saw early unofficial results...I placed 3rd...I was ahead of the leader Joe Schieffer until we hit the Hayes Street Hills. I don't know second place. Ujena Fit Club member Hans Schmid who is 72 who that division by nearly 8 minutes. Way to go Hans. My official time is 52:05...
Bob Anderson 5/20/12 3:55 pm
runnerThe original results showed 56 minutes and change but they were adjusted.to low. 52's, A 6:59 pace. Very nice effort. Great going !
Richard Stiller 5/20/12 5:17 pm
runnerFantastic Bob! You were really going those last two miles. You had to be feeling great. Recovering from the hills shows a great fitness base. That course made negative split racing the only strategy. I think Wendy also ran very well. Hope we hear from other Ujena Fit Club members.
Barry Anderson 5/20/12 5:57 pm
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runnerGlad to see you set up an account...I think you are thristy to run some good miles down the road. I am really liking your training secrets and articles...keep them coming.
Bob Anderson 5/3/12 7:17 pm
runnerThought I should sign up because I do want to be able to reply to people if they post a question. Have increased the mileage a little this week. Don't post them too fast...want to be able to keep up. Was actually working on some more and took a break to sign up for the Fit Club. Some are pretty simple but am trying to appeal to a wide range of experience. Sounds like you're feeling good about the half this Sunday. Have a good race.
Barry Anderson 5/3/12 7:32 pm
runnerThanks Barry...nothing is too simple! It is all important and it is always good to hear it again!
Bob Anderson 5/3/12 8:16 pm
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