I am a full-time mum to 4 young children and a dog (bit like a 5th child!). Running is a big part of my life and keeps me strong and healthy (and sane).
This week I have done a Dailey Method class daily. It turns out this is to be my destiny for the next 6 weeks as my PT advised me to lay off running for 6 weeks to let my Achilles heal. October shall be a very sloooow month for me! But hopefully come November, I shall be strong and ready to run again.
Welcome to the bench...
Runners who can't or should not be running. Richard Stiller 9/26/12 10:37 pm
I am learning the art of perseverance, Richard! And extreme patience... I hadn't realised you were benched. I am sorry to hear it. Are you cross training like crazy? How long have you been off? Wendy Roberts 9/26/12 10:41 pm
I am still running but probably shouldn't. Legs giving me problems. I am using every trick I know to keep going. But I may end up taking time off.
You'll be back. Your PT is right on. Stop thinking of marathons :) You'll be back quicker without the pressure. Richard Stiller 9/26/12 10:50 pm
Tuesday, September 25th, 2012
Track night comprising warm up, drills, strides, 4 x 200m w/90 sec recoveries, cool down. Another fun night with the team! Now to see how the Achilles seems tomorrow...
Friday, September 21st, 2012
Easy runwithdog along Embarcadero. Saw the shuttle fly by! Achilles seems to have calmed down. For now.
Wednesday, September 19th, 2012
Easy trail runwithdog. Achilles feels fine but probably should stay off the trails. (It is just soooo boring otherwise though!)
Glad to see you and your kids have signed up for our Pleasanton Double Road Race...and the Kids Christmas one mile...going to be fun!!! Bob Anderson 9/20/12 3:46 pm
Yes, the kids are looking forward to it (as am I!) Wendy Roberts 9/21/12 2:26 pm
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Raced the Big Gay 10K today after some warm up miles and cool down miles. Have lost fitness with this injury. Won the female section and came 12th overall with 39.09 although course was short so not an accurate time for the distance. Plenty to work on, Achilles permitting of course!
Sounds okay for your first race in months short course or not. Richard Stiller 9/16/12 1:59 pm
It was, Richard! The Achilles didn't like the long run sadly. It swelled up and is very tender now. I am wondering whether it needs more time and trying to train for CIM in December is just too soon? Maybe I can stick to shorter distances and ease into it more slowly? This injury is persistent :-( Just when you think all is well, it presents itself all swollen again. Wendy Roberts 9/8/12 11:16 pm
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
With my friend Mr Mill.
Why are you doing a lot of runs on the treadmill? Just wondering.... Bob Anderson 9/6/12 10:29 pm
If I can't get out for a run (mainly because of the kids) I hop into the 'mill! I'm building the mileage again in the hope I can race CIM in December. Achilles permitting, of course! Wendy Roberts 9/6/12 10:52 pm
CIM is closed for registration, with a few exceptions, one is if a time standard has been met,
in that case registration is open OCT 1 until OCT 15 Tim McMenomey 9/7/12 10:44 am
Cheers, Tim. I have a spot. Just not sure I am sufficiently over my injury to race it. Will see how the training goes... Wendy Roberts 9/7/12 11:24 am
Pleased to now be able to share more information on the Marin Double Road Race via a Facebook page. Like to keep up with updates on this race set for 14 July - Bastille Day! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marin-Double-Road-Race/161926380642502 Wendy Roberts 5/18/13 7:35 pm
Excited to announce that we have partnered up with the Best Western Plus Novato Oaks Inn as the Official Hotel for the Marin Double Road Race. It represents great value for money and offers the complete package right on the edge of wine country. Quote Double Road Race to secure the special discounted rate. See more details at www.doubleroadracemarin.com! Wendy Roberts 5/16/13 7:07 pm
Delighted to have the Marin Double Road Race open for entries!
Come one! Come all! Come and enter the race of the year (in Marin, that is), <drum roll>, the Marin Double Road Race!
More details on the website. Wendy Roberts 4/30/13 7:56 pmGood course and a super halftime planned...can't wait! Bob Anderson 5/3/13 3:37 pm
The Achilles injury keeps me on the bench but I am delighted to announce that we have a date for the Marin Double of Sunday 14 July. Watch this space for more details! Wendy Roberts 4/20/13 2:08 pmGreat news! Richard Stiller 4/20/13 3:38 pmWendy has set up a good course. We will be opening up registration for the first Double Road Race in California since Pleasanton within ten days. Bob Anderson 4/20/13 6:33 pm
Way to go Wendy...I:28:54 half marathon today. And third female overall...you are rolling!!!! Bob Anderson 4/8/12 9:16 pmThank you, Bob. I was not expecting much as I have been stroller running with the dog mostly! And trying to stay on the flat as the stroller is a pain on hills. It is nice to know that I can run a PB on a hilly course off base miles without specific training. It means I am getting fitter! It is motivation to give me focus when I start the schedule for my summer marathon. Wendy Roberts 4/8/12 9:39 pm