Fast flat road race start and ends at CSU campus.
Dave Miller: Best Performances · Performance Summary
UjENA Fit Club members in this race.

"Thanks Bill and Bob for the encouragement. I got new shoes (Muzono Sayanaro) two+ weeks ago and ran too much in them including a 23 mile run and a 15 mile MP run (7:11 pace) in them which may have cuased it to get retrospect it was a bad idea switching to new shoes during the end of my marathon training but the old ones were worn out. I'm going back to a new pair of the same shoes I've worn for the past 4 years (Muzuno Wave Inspire 9). I don't know what this injury is but I think it's a sore ligament/tendon on the inside of my knee above the calf. I'm applying ice and waiting for the soreness to settle down and I'll try an easy run and see how it reacts. I want to run the Santa Barbara Martathon Nov 9 but I'm registered for Boston marathon next April and that is more important to me. This is the hardest thing for me as a runner....layoff for injuries to heal and not try to push thru it and keep running and the other hard thing is stay healthy and avoid injury in the first place.. I would love to get in another 15 mile MP run before the marathon taper next week but it does not appear likely. Thanks, guys for understanding my frustration."
Dave Miller 10/29/13 9:24 am 
"Good race Dave. Take care of that injury. We don't heel as fast as we used to."
Bill Dunn 10/29/13 8:05 am 
"Injuries are the worse...who wants to take days off and loose conditioning but sometimes it is better to do that to get the situation (I like to call it this and not injury) behind you. There is always a solution to every situation. Hope your friend will be joining us in Pleasanton for the Double. Going to be a good one!!! Take care of your situation!"
Bob Anderson 10/28/13 6:39 pm 
"Thanks Bob. I was hoping to do better but at least I got a PR over last year by 3 seconds...I'll take it and I had a sore calf during the run. I'm fighting an injury I got about 1 month ago in my right inside calf at the knee attachment. It has been very sore. I've run/raced on/off over the last month and after 4 days off last week it got sore during the 5k Saturday. I have a full marathon in Santa Barbara Nov 9 so I'm taking a few more days off and hoping it heals.
I have a 53 year old friend who I'm trying to get to run the Pleasanton Double. He ran the 5k Saturday with me in 17:16 and he just started racing this year. He will get even faster next year. I expect him to get under 16:30 in the next 5k in February next year.
You have been running well. Keep it up. I'm hoping this injury will not get worse. It is hard to stop running and let it heal.
Thanks for the reply."
Dave Miller 10/28/13 8:47 am