Wave 1 Corral 9 Bib 8769 BQ was 3:12:18. 1,000 in my age group.
Notes: 5th Full Marathon
Dave Miller: Best Performances · Performance Summary
UjENA Fit Club members in this race.

"Thanks for the encouragement Bob. Kat, you are a really inspiration. With your determination you will qualify for Boston in 2 years and maybe we both will be in Boston in 2 years together. I hope my example of what not to do will help you when you run Boston. The first 15 miles are really easy to go fast but I suffered for it when I hit Newton. I plan to find a road with 10 miles or more of down-hill and run it down and then turn and run up. I also will strengthen my quads with squats and my hams with lunges during marathon training to get the legs strong for the down and up-hills. The crowds were amazing lined up for 26 miles cheering loudly for the runners. It was very inspiring. Boston really supports the marathoners more than any I have run yet!"
Dave Miller 4/27/14 1:27 pm 
"No matter how well we run we always feel we could have done better. But you ran 3:21! That is great! Also, remember you had situations earlier in the year. When I ran Boston last year I felt like a rock star the whole way. The crowd there is amazing. Way to go Dave. Hope we will be seeing you soon."
Bob Anderson 4/26/14 10:17 pm 
"Dave, I'm also 63 and hope to run Boston for my first time ever when I'm 65...been trying to qualify since 2004 and have run 28 marathons, all of them very painful but I will not give up...am running Ultras on dirt trails in the mountains to strengthen my legs...now I'm getting ready for Miwok 100K race next Saturday! Great job and congrats on your Boston finish!!!!"
Kat Powell 4/26/14 9:02 pm 
""Thanks Will & Chris. I expected a faster race but went out too fast (3:05 pace) for first 15 miles and then I hit the Newton hills and immediately my quads and hams cramped from mile 16 to finish. I thought I was ready for the downhill pounding but under-estimated the course. If I run it again I will not run fast till mile 21. I totally enjoyed the race but was glad I finished. Every step hurt from mile 16 but the downhill after mile 21 I speeded up and then the last 2 miles I had a stomach stich that was very pain-full and slowed me down again but I turned left on Boylston and seen the finish and ignored my pain and sprinted as best I could to the finish. I turn 65 in 2 years and would like to return to redeem myself. I feel I can do 3:05 the Lord willing. The greatest race I ever ran with fantastic crowd support and walking the streets in Boston with my Boston jacket many great people of Boston congratulated me every where I went. WOW what an experience!""
Dave Miller 4/26/14 7:48 pm 
"Congratulations, David!"
Chris Hart 4/25/14 4:18 pm